Come to our Cultural Festival on March 17th!

By Kyle, 8th Grade
This year, the 7th and 8th grade activism project is focusing on the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act is a bill that says that if you came to the U.S. before the age of fifteen and lived here for more than five years, you may become a U.S citizen if you attend college or serve in the military for at least two years.
On Saturday, March 17th, from 2-5 p.m., we will be hosting a Cultural Festival at MCS to raise money for our activism trip to Washington D.C where we will lobby for the DREAM Act bill to pass. We will be participating in the American Immigration Lawyers Association Day of Action. Please come to our Cultural Festival and support student activism at MCS!
The Cultural Festival will include:
Food from around the world:
  • Sushi
  • Latkes
  • Spanakopita
  • Spaghetti and more…
Games/Activities that celebrate different cultures:
  • Translation game
  • Henna Station
  • Mask making
  • Cooking Station
  • Storytelling
  • Creating Dream Catchers and more…
Thank you!

Film Screening: Precious Knowledge

As part of our project, we have been learning about the ban on teaching ethnic studies classes in Arizona. We watched this amazing documentary, chronicling the experiences of students and teachers in Tucson as they protest the ban. See it on Friday night at Bank Street.

Breakthrough USA Visits the Activism Committee

By Mikah and Becca
On February 27, a group called Breakthrough came to visit with the Activism Committee. Their organization specializes in creating video games and short films about immigrant’s experiences with anti-immigrant prejudice. The organization started in India and focuses in India on Women’s Rights. In the US, Breakthrough focus on drawing attention to human rights issues. Their video games include I.C.E.D. (I Can End Deportation), America 2049, I Am This Land, and more. They publicize their games and videos through Facebook and other social media like Twitter. We hope to play some Breakthrough games in Computer/History Seminar and to work with Breakthrough on a project after our trip to Washington DC.